Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Kota Tua Now!

Yeay! :p

After months, i have time to write :p, haha..

Actually i am so busy lately.

But i will make it fast, yesterday i went to Kota Tua :), this place is a heritage place.

You can google to find more about it, usually the foreigner come to Cafe Batavia.

Don't ask me why, i also don't know haha.

Last time, i went there around 3 / 4 years ago. And today Kota Tua still same :p (old) haha, but very crowded. And i can't take a picture a lot.

Since a lot of people selling something, so maybe you should go there in weekdays.

Here some picture there :)

In Front Of Museum Fatahilah

Randomly find an Old Building, don't look at the down full of people :p

look pretty for this building?

Check the building name, deutsch language?

Ondel-ondel bicycle

not a sculpture, this a person in acting

-danny williams | @dannywongso-

4 komentar:

Anggara mengatakan...

foto2nya kereen :)

Danny Williams mengatakan...

Thanks a lot :-D

Anonim mengatakan...

udah lama gak ke kota tua, ternyata banyak patung-patungan gitu ya sekarang

Danny Williams mengatakan...

banyak tanaman *spot foto hilang*.. haha.. dan banyak penjual *fotonya dimana!!!!.. haha rame banget bingung mo spot foto dmn harus tinggi :p