Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Trip to Halimun Salak Mountains | 2 Days 1 Nights

If last time i went to the 'blue' one, last week i went to the 'green' one :-D.

And yeaaa this was my second trip in this year :)

After find some friends (thanks to @otid20 and @yosepraharjo) and did a research :p, actually we want to go to Kampung Naga in Tasikmalaya but for some reasons, we choose to go to Halimun Salak Mountains.

We used DAL Adventure and you contact directly to dal_adventure@yahoo.com  , and then i found that they also sell digital camera / bag stuffs.

The trip was very fun, like i said "new journey means new friends, new stories, and new experiences". I got a lot of new friends :p with their travel experiences, stories, etc.

We took almost 5-6 hours from Jakarta to this place using a car :), with some traffics in some spots. And tired because we just sat down for hours.

We arrived arround 13.00 and took our lunch, and then went to Curug Macan.

Curug Macan | @dannywongso

And got some nice picture here about nature :)

Curug Macan | @dannywongso

Actually i was so excited because i never went to mountain trip :p. And when we did tracking in the night, the rain came. We trapped and got wet (cold brrrrr~).

some path | @dannywongso
As usual we catch the sunrise :) in the peak (very cold brrrrr~)

Sunrise at Halimun Salak Mountain | @dannywongso
Sunrise at Halimun Salak Mountain | @dannywongso
After that we got back to our 'home stay' and guess what, i found lot of moments :

In front of home stay when they worked together to build a mosque | @dannywongso
I followed them, and found how they took the sands | @dannywongso
Playing with the children with fun and bore | @dannywongso
Stop looking at me | @dannywongso
Hehe, i got fun even just 2 days 1 night. And we took same hours when got back to Jakarta (the traffic aish :p)

PS : Please get my permission for the picture from my blog :) and It taken using iphone 4s :). And just leave comment if you need my help :)

-danny williams | @dannywongso-

Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Rules at Gym Place (In My Opinion)

Just randomly want to write about gym place :-D, just because sometimes i felt uncomfort with some stuffs :p..
Let's start :
  1. Mirror
I believe your muscle will not get bigger, just because you stand up in front of the mirror without doing any exercise.
Some people (not all) wasting their time with stand up in front of it. And they usually  look at their body too long, rather than they exercise (i am not jealous :p). Of course they exercise but for a while and again they will stand up in front of the mirror. If only you knew, what the mirror will say :p.
Yes of course, I agree if you use the mirror when you are exercising. Some exercise need a mirror, including me, to make sure i will not harm myself or people around me :p hehe.  And of course I also used a mirror to look my body progress (not every time in my exercise, but randomly after I took a bath :p and I don’t have any half or naked picture :-D )

  1. Clean
Make sure every dumbbell or machine do you use, will get back to the place and clean. Could you imagine the machine/stuff with somebody sweat (for extreme) :p, I can’t imagine.
And you know the place will messy because too much dumbbell and we can’t focus in our exercise and maybe can harm us.

  1. Gadget
You must remember, you go to gym place for work out not in cafe. Too much time you will waste for your gadget believe me. The gadget will distract you (in my opinion :p), since I didn’t bring my gadget, I can focus to my work out.
Sometimes I saw ridiculous scene, how can people playing their ipad or gadget when they are running -_-‘. And after I work out with some stuffs, they still in the same place without work out or with work out.
You should prepare your time for work out, if you got bored just do the work out as soon as possible J. But it is okay if you bring gadget for hearing music.

  1. Attitude
Some people forget that they go to the gym place for exercise, not for gossiping or talking product :p. The product will unused if you don’t do the exercise.
I will get annoy if they are talking in the machine I want use L, why they don’t want to move to another place in sofa or another place -.-‘. And why I should say “sorry” to open my locker when they talked in front of my locker. There is more available space why should in front of my locker  :p, they usually don’t realize people will use that locker. Grrr..

So be focus and good luck for your work out J (hope the six packs will come to us :p)
-danny williams-

Rabu, 04 Juli 2012


Randomly I want to write about memory (my memory actually and ignore another draft in my blog :p).

Terkadang kita lupa tentang masa lalu dan bahkan (mungkin) tidak pernah berusaha mengingat (sedikit sih ada itu pun jarang2 :p) kembali.  Padahal (mungkin) ada banyak moment masa lalu, yang dapat membuat kita kembali excited (atau Cuma saya aja yah :p, ngomong sama diri sendiri lg :p).

Ada beberapa moment / kenangan yang membawa saya kembali ke sekitar 5 tahun lalu minggu kemarin tepatnya, menulis sambil mendengarkan lagu Jay Chou – Still Fantasi hehe favorite album di masa itu, dan mungkin saya tidak bisa share disini moment apa itu J (the secrets make the man perfect :p)

Yang mau saya share adalah mengenai moment/kenangan masa lalu tersebut, membuat saya ‘sadar’ kemana kah saya selama 5 tahun ini (wondering juga dan bukan susah move on :p). Dari kegalauan saya akhir-akhir ini mengenai hal-hal yang tidak jelas sampai yang tidak perlu dipikirkan, membuat saya harus ‘bangun’ dan ‘sadar’. Saya amat tahu bahwa waktu tidak akan pernah kembali, tetapi (saat ini) saya sedang berusaha untuk memperbaiki hal yang sudah ‘rusak’ tersebut (doakan!).

Ada pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan, meski sebenarnya bisa bertemu lagi entah kapan dan dimana. Membuat kita harus menghargai waktu J, mengingat2 banyak teman2 yang baik dan selalu disamping kita dulu. Ada kada kalanya ketika kita sadar (wew -_-‘) mungkin itu sudah terlambat, diperbaiki pun belum tentu berhasil. Saya akan tetap mencoba memperbaiki hal-hal yang dulu saya seharusnya lakukan tetapi saya tidak lakukan (semacam karma?) dengan senyum pastinya J.  Terima kasih semua atas bantuan kepada saya tanpa saya sadari ataupun saya sadari namun saya tidak lakukan (sorry L)

Kesibukkan (atau alasan/excuse, apa pun itu namanya) selalu menjadi alasan klise, tapi itu lah kenyataan bahwa karakter orang bisa berubah termasuk saya J. Janji sudah terucap dan saya akan menunggu apakah saya akan berhasil atau saya harus menerima bahwa moment buat saya belum tentu moment untuk orang lain juga. Apapun itu saya yakin ini proses pembelajaran untuk saya hari ini dan kedepan.

Hal positif yang dapat saya petik adalah saya kembali ingat kegembiraan dan keceriaan saya dulu plus mengembalikan mood saya belakangan ini (wuih, semacam dapat wangsit lah) yang tidak jelas :p. Berusaha mengembalikan sesuatu yang lebih baik dan membuang yang buruk untuk saya saat ini, sulit pasti J tapi saya tetap yakin bahwa saya berjalan di jalan yang seharusnya saya jalani (dengan amat baik) meski tertatih2 (lebay).

At the last for me, hargai waktu dan orang-orang disekeliling kita sekarang (disadari atau tanpa disadari mungkin mereka ada teman/sahabat/keluarga yang terbaik untuk kita) dan berusahalah untuk melakukan yang terbaik, karena waktu tidak akan pernah berputar ke belakang kembali. Dan penyesalan selalu lah datang terlambat bukan?

Terima kasih masa lalu membuat saya bangkit dan kembali ke kenyataan tentang saya dan kalian tentunya J

-danny williams-