Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Trip to Halimun Salak Mountains | 2 Days 1 Nights

If last time i went to the 'blue' one, last week i went to the 'green' one :-D.

And yeaaa this was my second trip in this year :)

After find some friends (thanks to @otid20 and @yosepraharjo) and did a research :p, actually we want to go to Kampung Naga in Tasikmalaya but for some reasons, we choose to go to Halimun Salak Mountains.

We used DAL Adventure and you contact directly to dal_adventure@yahoo.com  , and then i found that they also sell digital camera / bag stuffs.

The trip was very fun, like i said "new journey means new friends, new stories, and new experiences". I got a lot of new friends :p with their travel experiences, stories, etc.

We took almost 5-6 hours from Jakarta to this place using a car :), with some traffics in some spots. And tired because we just sat down for hours.

We arrived arround 13.00 and took our lunch, and then went to Curug Macan.

Curug Macan | @dannywongso

And got some nice picture here about nature :)

Curug Macan | @dannywongso

Actually i was so excited because i never went to mountain trip :p. And when we did tracking in the night, the rain came. We trapped and got wet (cold brrrrr~).

some path | @dannywongso
As usual we catch the sunrise :) in the peak (very cold brrrrr~)

Sunrise at Halimun Salak Mountain | @dannywongso
Sunrise at Halimun Salak Mountain | @dannywongso
After that we got back to our 'home stay' and guess what, i found lot of moments :

In front of home stay when they worked together to build a mosque | @dannywongso
I followed them, and found how they took the sands | @dannywongso
Playing with the children with fun and bore | @dannywongso
Stop looking at me | @dannywongso
Hehe, i got fun even just 2 days 1 night. And we took same hours when got back to Jakarta (the traffic aish :p)

PS : Please get my permission for the picture from my blog :) and It taken using iphone 4s :). And just leave comment if you need my help :)

-danny williams | @dannywongso-

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