Senin, 09 September 2013

Long Trip to Capture Dolphins At Kiluan Bay (Lampung)


Finally, i have time to write my blog..

Time flies too fast....And time for me now, to write about my last trip :).

Last month, i went to Kiluan Bay with my colleagues friends :)..

The trips was awesome because it was a long trip to get there (huft ._.).

So just enjoy the picture first, then i will tell my story how to get there :p..

haha.. Ok ok, i will tell the complete story :p..

First we went from Pulo Gadung by bus (you can choose Arimbi, or anything write "Merak") around 18.30 and as you know the bus so slowly. Finally we arrived around 24.00.. 

Tips : I think just drive your own car and go to Merak. That is much better :). You can go to Merak up to 3 hours.

We used an open trip (you can check at triphemat), so we waited them. Around 01.30 we went by ferry from Merak to Bakaheuni and arrived around 04.00.

But still we haven't arrived yet, we used a car to Kiluan Darat, and finally we arrived at Kiluan Darat at 11.00. And the way was very worst for almost 1.5 hours.

Before we crossed to Kiluan Island and we used that ship called 'Jukung'

But...We still need crossed the sea to Kiluan Island and it was about 30 minutes..

Fiuh, after a longgggggg wayyyyyy we arrived..

And we should did a same thing when we came back to Jakarta.. (>___<) Plus we walked around 15 minutes because the car couldn't go up ._________. ...

This was the picture at Ferry when we came back from Kiluan to Jakarta

Sunset at Ferry

Btw you can see a Bali culture in Kiluan Darat, i heard that they are transmigration from Bali.

In the next morning we played at Kiluan Island, here some picture at Kiluan Island 

A scenery at Kiluan Island
Sunset at Kiluan Islamd

Sunset at Kiluan Island (landscape)
Behind Kiluan Island

And here the dolphins i caught in the next morning :
The Dolphins yeayy ^.^
Overall i was very excited ;), the guest house and the food is so so.. The bathroom is 'enough' clean but still not enough in number.

-danny williams | @dannywongso-

6 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

bacanya kok udah capek duluan yeh Dan, worth it gak sih? :D trus triphemat recommended gak service-nya?

Danny Williams mengatakan...

Ow ow :p langsung di comment *blush.. :p haha..

Worth it sih secara lumba2 kiri kanan loncat ria sana sih (norak liatnya happy bener haha), inget aja dlm hati pas pergi "mau liat lumba2", pas ud kelar "abis liat lumba2" :p haha..

kecapean karena jumat malam pergi minggu balik (sampe rumah jam 1 senin pagi sajaaa koggg)..

tapi kalau dirimu santai ria, ga secape itu sih :)..

Total dr pulo gadung - kiluan around 15 jam gitu plus stop2..

kemarin kebetulan si yg pny triphemat ikutan.. hahaha.. iri denger cerita dia..

enough ok sih, enough cheap.. cm karena dia santai2, agak kita buru2in gitu krn ada kelompok yg yg lambat + santai2 pas dimana2..

Anonim mengatakan...

OMG 15 jam, PP brarti 30 jam saja donk yaaahhh x)))

eh ownernya triphemat yang cewe berjilbab itu kan ya?

Danny Williams mengatakan...

iya.. kl bawa mobil sendiri ke merak bisa hemat 2-3 jam lah haha..

iya betul lia namanya, target ke raja ampat sebelum married lol..

baru balik dari titik 0!!!!

Anonim mengatakan...

sumpaaah... keren :) gw bakal ksini juga ntar pas gw balik.. hehehe..

Danny Williams mengatakan...


katanya lebih ok dr lovina..

krn blm pernah ke lovina, jd ga bisa bandingin hehe..

moment pas lumba2 loncat di kiri kanan itu loh, semacam main am ubur2 :p..